How To Reduce Soil Pollution

How To Reduce Soil Pollution

Soil plays a key role in human development: however, it’s something we humans certainly take for granted. The soil is crucial to the process of farming animals and growing crops – i.e. two major agriculture sectors that are very necessary for human survival. But unfortunately we aren’t doing enough to protect the soil and environment. In this blog post, we’re going to let you know how you can do your part to reduce soil pollution. Before we go further into this, it’s important to take a look at what is soil pollution.

How To Reduce Soil Pollution

What is Soil Pollution?

Soil pollution aka land contamination is a condition in which the soil and land present a potential danger to our health and environment. In the affected area, contaminants such as waste and chemicals are found excessively. It can be caused by a variety of factors. The top leading causes of soil pollution include: waste disposal, industrial activity, and agriculture.

What can you do to reduce soil pollution?

There’re a number of ways you can reduce soil pollution. The following ways are considered the most effective:

Try bio-fertilisers

A biofertilizer is a substance that contains living microorganisms. When it’s added to soil, seeds and plants, it improves the nutrients supply to the host plant. It’s considered a safe and healthier fertilizer option for the environment and planet. Chemical fertilizers can pollute waterways and groundwater in the areas with heavy rainfall.

Plant more plants

Soil erosion occurs when there’re no trees to prevent the top, organic layer of soil from being wiped out by different natural agents such as air and water. The effects of floods and acid rain can destroy healthy soil in the absence of plants and trees. So, planting new trees in areas that are more prone to erosion can significantly reduce land pollution.

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