Fun Halloween Decorations to Make with Kids

Halloween will be upon us in just a few days. Do you have your decorations up yet? If you expect or want trick-or-treaters to stop by, decorations are a great way to ensure this. But don’t worry, if you haven’t put up your decorations yet, there’s still time. Some Idaho Falls home builders have put together this list of fun decorations you can make with your kids over the weekend.

  1. Hanging Bats

Get some black foam and googly eyes to make these fun hanging bats with your kids. Fill the trees outside with these bats, or hang them from the porch or front door above the trick-or-treaters’ heads. This craft is quick and easy, and you can find the materials at any craft store, Walmart or even a dollar store.

Find the full tutorial at HGTV.


  1. Pebble Monsters

Line your walkways with these adorable little monsters. Have your kids help you paint them, and glue googly eyes to them. These will be a great project to keep kids busy over the weekend. You could even hand these little guys out to trick-or-treaters as an alternative to sugary candy.

Find the full tutorial at Morning Creativity.

Pebble Monsters

  1. Magnetic Spiders

Put your kids to work attaching magnets (or double-sided tape) to hundreds of spooky spiders. Place them on your front door, along your walkway, on the fridge, anywhere! Let your kids go wild placing these creepy crawlies all over the house. They’ll have so much fun! To take is a step further, use a variety of fake bugs like moths, centipedes, and beetles, too.

Find the full tutorial at Delia Creates.

Magnetic Spiders

  1. Glowing Eyes

This is a great project for your kids to help with to decorate your home for Halloween. All you need is toilet paper rolls, scissors, and glow sticks. Let your kids have a contest to see who can make the most of these creepy eyes. Then they can go hide them in bushes before trick-or-treaters arrive.

Find the full tutorial at The Connection We Share.

Glowing Eyes

  1. Zombie Arms

All you need are some scissors, cardboard, and black paint for this project. Once you have made all of the zombie arms, let your kids find the spookiest places to hide them in – stairwells, bushes, windows, anywhere!

Find the full tutorial at Jay’s Cup.

Zombie Arms

  1. Glow in the Dark Pumpkins

Pick up a couple pumpkins and some glow-in-the-dark paint. Let your kids spatter the paint on the pumpkins and get creative with the different patterns and designs they make. They can even make scary faces. Line these pumpkins along your porch under a black light for the best effect.

Find the full tutorial at I Love to Create.

I Love to Create

  1. Monster Eye Wreath

Creep out your trick-or-treaters with this spooky googly eye wreath. All you need is a bunch of ping pong balls and googly eyes. Let your kids help by putting eyes on the ping pong balls. They’ll have fun playing with these silly eyes while making the project.

Find the full tutorial at Number 2 Pencil.

Monster Eye Wreath

  1. Yard Monsters

Get some paper plates and black construction paper and go crazy turning the bushes and trees into monsters with these giant eyes. Use foam to make it a more durable decoration. You can even add furrowed eyebrows to make them look scarier.

Find the full tutorial at A Girl and a Glue Gun.

A Girl and a Glue Gun

  1. Pine Cone Spiders

Let your kids go outside and hunt down some pine cones for these creepy crawlies. Pick up some pipe cleaners and googly eyes to glue on for the perfect Halloween spider. Place them on fake webs on the front porch or on bushes in the yard.

Find the full tutorial at Fireflies + Mudpies.

Pine Cone Spiders

  1. Hanging Ghosts

Halloween decorating isn’t done until there are plenty of ghosts hanging about. Pick up some Styrofoam balls, cheese cloth, and black paint for this project. Help your kids hang their ghosts from the porch or trees in the front yard.

Find the full tutorial at Simply Designing.

Hanging Ghosts